SOUNDBLOX® units are the solution to acoustical correction and noise control problems in masonry construction. Attractive, economical and efficient sound-absorbing units, SOUNDBLOX® are manufactured employing exclusive Proudfoot molds, thereby assuring uniform quality and acoustical efficiency of each SOUNDBLOX® unit.
SOUNDBLOX® have the same compressive strength as standard hollow concrete masonry units of similar composition. Installed conventionally with little or no added labor, the in-place cost of SOUNDBLOX® is low by comparison to most other acoustic materials. Rugged and durable in construction, SOUNDBLOX® masonry units are an excellent choice for industrial settings, gymnasiums, mechanical equipment rooms and comparable installations.
SOUNDCELL architectural acoustical concrete masonry units provide built-in sound control for areas of public access where noise pollution is a problem. Available in 8" or 12" thickness, SOUNDCELL units are load-bearing with compressive strengths comparable to standard CMUs of similar composition. Installed conventionally in stack bond with little or no added labor, the in-place cost of SOUNDCELL is low by comparison to most other acoustical materials
SOUNDCELL ACOUSTADE offers the same high-quality noise solutions as SOUNDBLOX® and SOUNDCELL and allows an architect to specify direction of the slanted concrete masonry unit face.